
On average 3,000 people are killed or seriously injured each yearin drink driving collisions.

Nearly one in six of all deaths on the road involve drivers who are over the legal alcohol limit.

Drinking and driving occurs across a wide range of age groups but particularly among men aged 17 – 29 in both casualties and positive breath tests following a collision. The Government’s most recent campaigns aim to target this group.

The latest provisional figures from 2004, show that some 590 people were killed in crashes in which the driver was over the legal alcohol limit, 2,350 were seriosly injured, 14,050 were slightly injured.

More than half a million breath tests are carried out each year, and on average 100,000 people are found to be positive.
I think that some of these statistics are shocking and i will include some of them in my final pieces as they will hopefully shock some people into realising the facts of drink driving and the affects it causes to the public and the family which have family that have been injured or killed in drink driving collisions.


For my exam, i have chosen the question ‘Driving’, which is a very open topic. Which will give me room to look at different topics within driving, and choose one which i think will work the best. I have decided to go down the route of drink driving, as i think this topic is a huge problem which needs to be tackled. I intend to make people aware of the damage drink driving can cause, and the sentences they will recieve if caught.

Final Designs

For my final designs i have chosen to produce a poster and a leaflet to advertise for my uncoming fashion shop Haute Couture. I have used a vintage wallpaper that i have selected from a website called lost and found. I chose this wallpaper as it fits in with my theme of vintage, and it also is not too bright so emphasis is not being taken away from the information on the poster and leaflet. As i found it hard to take images in the 1950’s style. I looked into drawings, and drew a dress which resembles the 1950’s. Therefore i am including this as the main focus point on both my poster and my leaflet. As i wanted to keep the colour scheme similar. I have filled the dress i drew and scanned in, in black. I have then done the text in black to that it all ties in. I also think that the black contrasts well with the pale purple colour of the background wall paper. I wanted to include a promotion in my leaflet, as i found that this would draw customers to a new clothe shop which is opening. Therefore i have made a ‘Cut out’ voucher at the bottom of my leaflet with terms and conditions.

Wall paper

From reading my responses of ‘My initial ideas’ i have then taken into account what they have said and thought of some different ideas. As i like the dress i have drawn, i will keep it in my designs, however i will tidy up the edges, to make it look more professional.

Here is a wall paper i have decided to use.

I have chosen to use this as my background because, i think that it suits my theme well. I have chosen to go for a vintage look, and i think that this wallpaper fits well. It looks old and worn, which is the look i am going for. I think that this wallpaper will go well as a background because it is not too bright and wont take emphasis away from the information that is ont the poster and flyer that i will be producing.

Initial design ideas

Here is my initial design for a 1950’s style Fashion Shop, called Haute Couture. Which will be opening in Shrewsbury. Any comments will be much appreciated.

1950’s Stlye Adverts

These five images are all advertising Christina Aguilera’s music video ‘Candy Man’. This video was designed in the stlye of the 1950’s. With the hair done up, and the big curls in the fringe. She also wears a smart tailored skirt suit in part of the video, which reflects what women wore after the war. The other dresses she wears, are early 1950’s, with the emphasis on the slim waist.

This is an edited image of Christine Aguilera from the music video. The way that it has been edited is very much in the stlye of the 1950’s becasue of the blurred faces and the airbrushed look. The clothes that she is wearing is not very 1950’s because they didn’t show their stomachs. However her hair is late 1950’s with the large bouffant look.

The first  image is a billboard advertising the Head and Shoulders advert that was shown on television. The second image is a still of the video on television. These are also a very 1950’s style advert, with the hair done up and the curly bun in the back, although they are in nurses outfits which does not link, the fitting of the dresses is very 1950’s again with the emphasis on the slim waist.


After researching advertisements, and narrowed my research down to fashion adverts. I have found out what kind of fashion was worn in the 1950’s which has influenced me in my designs. I have also looked at suitable typography , which would also suit the style and narrowed it down to a few, i will decide which one i will use at a later date.

I have looked at fashion drawings on the internet to gain some knowledge on how to draw in that way. This is because it will be hard to take images in the style of the 1950’s. I then have draw some images of my own, and  gained inspiration from a website The website provided templates which you can draw over, however i did not find it very useful. I also looked at Quentin Blake, but i cant draw in his sketchy style so i have decided not to take it on any further. Therefore i will be using my own drawings in my final piece.

Viral Advertisments

Viral marketing and viral advertising,  refer to marketing techniques that use pre-existing social networks to produce increases in brand awareness or to achieve other marketing objectives (such as product sales) through self-replicating viral processes, analogous to the spread of virus or computer viruses. It can be word-of-mouth delivered or enhanced by the network effects of the Internet. Viral promotions may take the form of video clips, interactive Flash games, advergames, ebooks, brandable software, images, or even text messages.

The goal of marketers interested in creating successful viral marketing programs is to identify individuals with high Social Networking Potential (SNP) and create viral messages that appeal to this segment of the population and have a high probability of being taken by another competitor.

The term “viral marketing” has also been used pejoratively to refer to stealth marketing campaigns—the unscrupulous use of astroturfing on-line combined with undermarket advertising in shopping centers to create the impression of spontaneous word of mouth enthusiasm.

This viral advertisment is advertising Herbal Essences Shampoo. It first shows a lady with her hair gelled up in spikes which are stiff and hard to move. She finds out that her mother is coming home and hurrys to the shower, where we see how Herbal Essences is easily washing out the gel. We then see her walking downstairs to greet her mother looking completley different. This advert is telling us that Herbal Essences will get put anything and can transform you into a completley different woman.

This viral advertisment is showing us how Dove edits the people that are modeling on their adverts, to make them look more attractive, so that people buy their products. This advert shows us how it is done and what dramatic steps they take. For example on Photoshop, making her neck longer and her eyes bigger. This viral ad is asking people to join ‘Real Beauty Workshops for Girls’ and also points out that it is for advertisements like the Dove billboard that peoples image of beauty is ‘distorted’.

This viral advert is advertising Facebook. It is trying to make buisness people use it more by saying that their buisness will benifit from having Facebook and stating 10 reasons why. It is trying to make people get drawn to the idea of having more people visiting your website, bulidind their mailing lists, having more people buying their products, having a way of announcing promotions which will draw customers, to have a place where customers can feedback and can communicate with customers more easily. This advert is making out that with Facebook their buisness will take off and be much more successful.

This viral advertisement is advertising Snickers bars. It is showing the that the man playing football is not really hurt and it doing it to try and get the other team punished. When the army tank comes in he quickly stands up and runs away, showing that he is not really hurt. The adverts logo is ‘Get Some Nuts’ which is symbolising two things, the Snickers bar which contains nut, and also for the man to ‘man up’. Personally in this viral advert, the play on words stand out to me, where they have two meanings, also how the brand is advertising ‘Snickers’, but also slating footballers.

This viral advert, is not one that is shown on televison, it is a video that someone has made and put on you tube. However, it is advertising the LG Crystal phone. First in the advert is shows the phone with the clear slide out part, and how it is buttons and you can type on it even when there is no sign of wires. It then shows what else you can do with the phone. The man has a cigarette and wants to light it, so he holds the clear part up to the sun and his cigarette ‘lights’. Although we know this is not real, it shows how the possibilities are endless with what you can do with the phone, and how it amazes people.

This viral adverts is showing what a football player does, by having a camera attached to him for several days. In the advert we see him playing football matches, training and also going out. In each of these circumstances he is always better off. Then at the end of the advert it says ‘Take it to the next level’ saying that Nike will make you perform better and will help you to take it to the next level.

This viral advert is advertising Sprite. It is showing us that if you can use it for sports like skateboarding and surfing then you can use it for anything. It also says ‘Refresh Yourself On The Move’. So whether you are doing sports like these or just need a drink have Sprite.


This NHS advert is implicit. From looking at the advert you do not know what it is about, and you have to read the information. It is saying that smoking is an addiction, and you can easily get hooked on it, hence the fishing hook through the man’s lip. It also looks quite brutal, because of the way the lip is stretched and pulling on the man’s face. The advert then gives a shocking fact to try and hit home to smokers and make them want to give up. There is then some information on how to get help.

This billboard i think  is really effective. This is because the actual billboard itself is slightly see through so you can see the clouds behind it. Then the screen of the television which is being advertised is a hole so that the sky behind it is clear and ‘Life Like’ which is the quote at the bottom of the billboard. The message is that the Samsung television is really clear and life like, unlike other televisions.

This billboard is unusual because you have to drive through it. I think this is a clever way of advertising though because is grabs you attention so much you cannot miss it, especially because you are driving through the mouth of it. It is advertising an ‘all you can eat rest stop’ which will make people think about food or drink and make them want to stop there. Overall, i think this advert is extremely effective because people can’t miss it, and it makes people think about it and want to stop there. However, i am not too sure that it should be there because it could distract drivers.

I think that this advert is really effective. It is advertising tampons, and saying how this particular make ‘Tampax’ is really strong and absorbent which reflects the idea made here of the dam.

This advert is making the dangers of train tracks aware to the population. I think that the messages are hard hitting and clear, and give across a strong message. Also to back up the words there are two moving images to also make people realize that train tracks are a real danger. I think that the messages work well, this is because the first one makes you feel guilty because family is being brought into it, making the people who do play on train tracks aware that its not just them that will end up being hurt, the family will do too. The second message is not about anyone else except for the person being hit, saying that the reality will feel worse than the train hitting you.


The image above is an image i had already edited, however i have put different words all over it which are to do with economical factors. I have put them in blue and so that they stand out against the background. However, the ‘deforestation’ on the bottom of the page works well i think. It stands out well, yet it is still discrete.

The image above is the same edited image as above this one, I have edited it in a different way. I have left the ‘deforestation’ in the bottom right hand corner, but i have put the letters which spell out deforestation all over the page, large and in black. However, i have changed the opacity so it does not stand out too much. 

This again is one of my edited images. I have used ‘deforestation’ in the bottom in bright green, which matches well with the bight green 0n the tree trunk. I have also put a large D going across the whole the image, i also used black but changed the opacity. I dont think this is effective because the typeography is not very proffessional, and there is not  much of it.

This is also one of my edited images. I have only writen the word ‘deforesation’ on this and i have tried to disguise it by putting it in line with the tree trunk, i have also done it in green so that it is even more disguised.

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