Archive for October, 2010


This NHS advert is implicit. From looking at the advert you do not know what it is about, and you have to read the information. It is saying that smoking is an addiction, and you can easily get hooked on it, hence the fishing hook through the man’s lip. It also looks quite brutal, because of the way the lip is stretched and pulling on the man’s face. The advert then gives a shocking fact to try and hit home to smokers and make them want to give up. There is then some information on how to get help.

This billboard i thinkĀ  is really effective. This is because the actual billboard itself is slightly see through so you can see the clouds behind it. Then the screen of the television which is being advertised is a hole so that the sky behind it is clear and ‘Life Like’ which is the quote at the bottom of the billboard. The message is that the Samsung television is really clear and life like, unlike other televisions.

This billboard is unusual because you have to drive through it. I think this is a clever way of advertising though because is grabs you attention so much you cannot miss it, especially because you are driving through the mouth of it. It is advertising an ‘all you can eat rest stop’ which will make people think about food or drink and make them want to stop there. Overall, i think this advert is extremely effective because people can’t miss it, and it makes people think about it and want to stop there. However, i am not too sure that it should be there because it could distract drivers.

I think that this advert is really effective. It is advertising tampons, and saying how this particular make ‘Tampax’ is really strong and absorbent which reflects the idea made here of the dam.

This advert is making the dangers of train tracks aware to the population. I think that the messages are hard hitting and clear, and give across a strong message. Also to back up the words there are two moving images to also make people realize that train tracks are a real danger. I think that the messages work well, this is because the first one makes you feel guilty because family is being brought into it, making the people who do play on train tracks aware that its not just them that will end up being hurt, the family will do too. The second message is not about anyone else except for the person being hit, saying that the reality will feel worse than the train hitting you.